
Jade Yoni Eggs and Ben Wa Ball for Kegel Exercise Big "Heavenly" Sale

Jade Heaven

Jade "yoni" eggs and ben wa balls have become very popular since we started selling them online years ago.  They are both helpful for kegel exercise, and most customers order a set of each, jade eggs and jade ben wa balls.

Jade Heaven eggs were made to Chinese medicine standards, unlike many of the jade eggs that are available today which may be too large to be helpful, and actually can cause harm to you.  Consider this:  if you use a jade egg that is too large, instead of tightening, strengthening your pelvic area, they stretch your vagina and cause you to become less sensitive to sexuality than more sensitive.  A set is versatile;  if you have experienced childbirth, need "tightening", start with the large jade egg until you can keep it inside, then move to the medium, then the smallest size, when you will be in great shape!'

The jade ben wa balls are for "average" women.  You can use them the same way as the jade eggs, starting with two, then working down to one to be able to keep in your vagina.  Some women wear them for a few hours, and "play" with them, moving them around inside the vagina.

There is more information about jade eggs and ben wa balls and a video on the Collection page.

Since this is a "heavenly" web site, we offer the set of jade eggs with a Chakra related gemstone, wire wrapped, that can be used as a small pendant, or as part of your mindful kegel exercise.  The photo shows natural red jasper, related to the Heart chakra.

There are other options to purchase, including "yin and yang" darker color for balance, and cute boxes for storing them.

We want women to get the best size and shape of jade eggs and jade ben wa balls.  The jade is genuine and natural Chinese jade, purchased by our jade carver in China, who makes them to Chinese medicine size and specifications, and does good work so you get the best quality of jade eggs, jade ben wa balls. So we have reduced the prices and now you can get the best jade eggs and ben wa balls at low, low prices.

More information and video about jade eggs and jade ben wa balls

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