Chinese New Year is February 8, 2016. We have selected some very auspicious jade for the Lunar New Year to include in the Year of the Fire Monkey Collection.
It's the Year of the Monkey. And it's a special monkey. The element is fire, and the color is red. The Year of the Red Fire Monkey. Sounds auspicious! And it is.
It's very auspicious to buy a new piece of jade for the Chinese Lunar New Year. Since it's Year of the Monkey, any monkey carving is very good luck. Jade pendants with monkey carving are very auspicious, and wearing one will bring you happiness, luck and good health.
"Fu Lu and Shou" are the Chinese gods of happiness, luck and wealth, health and longevity. Fu lu shou jade is three color jade, usually green, white, and honey or "hong" red. Since it's the Red Fire Monkey, any hong, honey color jade is very special this year.
Other auspicious symbols are coins, peach, and bamboo. The "Bi" pendants are good choices, because Bi is they symbol of Heaven.
And Buddha and Guan Yin jade pendants are excellent choices, to bring you spiritual bliss.