Sale-Auspicious "Fish and Lotus" Well Carved Jadeite Jade Pendant (JHP100)
$ 139.00
$ 188.00
Classic auspicious symbolism of abundance and long life carved jadeite pendant. Fish also known as "yu". Jade is also "yu" so they work well together. The lotus is a lingzhi, symbol of immortality. Size is 53x41mm and 6.8mm thick. Reverse side is smooth and polished. The carving is very detailed and well polished. Grade A jadeite stone purchased directly from the jade carver in 2006. Carved from the same jade rough, and each slightly different due to hand carving and variations in jade.
These are traditional and older style, and look very good with "Dragon Whiskers" cord. The hole in the pendant will also accommodate a bail and can be worn with a chain.